Affiliate Window, the UK-based performance marketing network, has announced the release of MyAW, a Google Chrome browser extension for publishers.

Once installed, MyAW adds a single button to Google Chrome’s toolbar. The button becomes active when a publisher visits the website of an advertiser that’s linked to Affiliate Window, whether said publisher is part of the programme or not.

The network revealed that publishers can use the extension to join programmes, generate shortened tracker links, share links on social sites, create custom URLs and form URLs to specific product pages.

All the latest consumer offers on Affiliate Window’s system can apparently be accessed using MyAW, including any exclusive offers that might be available. Publishers can also change between multiple accounts and build deeplinks with the Chrome plugin.

Overwhelmed by Offers

One complaint often levelled at networks by publishers is the volume of emails with advertiser offers they receive. The launch of MyAW has meant that publishers will be able to see the most revelevant offers on their own terms.

Affiliate Window appears to be all too aware of this issue that has cropped up in our own European Surveys. Remi Chkaibane, Head of Product, at the network spoke of his desire to make life a little easier for publishers.

“We want to provide publishers with a simple way of promoting products from the brands they love,” This extension is the first of many steps that will make this possible, as users will be able to find discount codes and build links as they browse, without needing to log in.”

Publishers can download MyAW from the Chrome Store.