The Silverbullet Data Service’s Group is working alongside Save The Children through its data-driven programmatic expert solution, BeetleDesk, to deliver trusted information to the right people at the right time.

With the ongoing developments surrounding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the data-smart marketing experts are supporting Save The Children during this moment of difficulty, to promote trusted information for those in need with a pro bono campaign.

The coronavirus has had – and will continue to – place significant consequences on the world’s economy. With the latest announcement in the closing of all bars, restaurants, gyms and social environments (except for pharmacies and supermarkets), there is a sense of uncertainty among consumers in how best to prepare for what is to come.

“Our team of data engineers and scientists wanted to offer any support possible for organisations such as Save The Children. During a time where the public’s health is of upmost importance, it is paramount we use all marketing channels (and various other means) to provide consumers with trusted information to those in need,” said Stefano Camisasca, global managing director data activation at Silverbullet Data Services Group.

“Save the Children has a proud history of delivering trusted advice to parents and caregivers of children in times of need, and with the coronavirus situation changing by the hour, it’s vital the right people are getting this advice at the right time. Data is a huge part of this. We’re very grateful to be working with the experts from Silverbullet to ensure those in need are getting the best advice on how to keep their children safe in the crisis.” commented Michela Taccheri, head of digital marketing at Save the Children.

The Silverbullet Data Services Group is committed to supporting and protecting its employees, clients and trusted partners across the globe.