With a particular eye on measurement and ROI, the new-for-2017 Influencer Marketing Show will address the channel’s position among wider performance marketing, co-located with the international performance marketing show PI Live at London’s Old Billingsgate, October 24.

The founder and CEO of influencer marketing network Social Chain, Steven Bartlett has been confirmed as keynote speaker.

Today’s announcement (March 15) comes off the back of a survey by PerformanceIN on major brands including Telefonica, Gymshark and Thomas Cook, revealing that 82% of advertisers had used some form of influencer marketing within 2016.

Its use being far from experimental, 30% of the same advertisers claimed to be spending up to £10,000 a month on the channel, while one in ten put the figure at up to £40,000.

If those figures sound high, 91% of brands plan to ramp up influencer spending for the remainder of the year; as a result, there’s a clear need for the performance marketing industry to converge on the opportunity to exchange ideas, innovations and trends.

A lucrative machine

Climbing through a rapid emergence that’s seen it take no shortage of criticism from more established corners of digital advertising, the influencer marketing channel – in part thanks to the innovation of companies such as Social Chain – has become an increasingly well-managed and lucrative machine.

For performance marketers, the channel offers access to customers falling off the radar of “traditional” approaches to digital advertising, with today’s younger, savvy, “always-on” consumer, shunning intrusive media for the recommendations of those that inspire them on Instagram, Twitter, blogs, YouTube and countless other platforms.

At the Influencer Marketing Show, attendees can learn how to capitalise on this change in purchase inspiration at a gathering designed for anyone with an interest in monetising and driving sales through the channel in today’s results-driven ecosystem.


Commenting on the launch of the new show, PerformanceIN founder Matthew Wood called the proliferation of micro-influencers across social platforms an “exciting opportunity” for online marketing teams, but also a challenge – especially how to reward influence as part of a wider strategy.

“In true PerformanceIN style, the Influencer Marketing Show will have a tight focus on how to measure, analyse and optimise your influencer strategy,” Wood added.

With this in mind, the event will offer a diverse mix of speaker sessions and interactive debates, all armed with the intention of cracking how ROI-first marketers can tap into influencers of every scale, across multiple platforms.

Topping the schedule is Bartlett, the charismatic 24-year-old behind the hugely successful influencer network Social Chain, a platform which boasts ownership of “hundreds” of popular social media accounts, a reach of over 305,000,000 people, and one that’s proud to employ its own designated “head of happiness”.

A self-confessed university “drop-out” turned entrepreneur, Ted Talk speaker and investor, Bartlett represents a go-to authority and captivating storyteller on the young, fast-growing influencer marketing sphere, sure to provide anyone in marketing with a refreshed, creative perspective on their industry.

Get involved

There will be limited passes available for this one-day event; for more information and to secure your place, click here, and for Influencer Marketing Show updates make sure to follow @influencershow on Twitter. 

With a keynote confirmed, speaker submissions are now open for anyone with a fresh take and lessons to impart on influencer marketing’s benefits – visit the website for more details.