Special offers and promotions may feel like the right way to tempt someone into making a purchase, but it seems the volume of deals being sent by marketers is having an adverse effect.
Detailing the findings of a survey of 200 marketing pros and 1,200 consumers around the world, an infographic from SAP Hybris and Forrester Consulting shows that 44% of people that receive offers from companies over the web believe they get sent too much.
This is leading to many a wasted effort, indicated by the 37% of consumers that said they delete the majority of their email offers without even reading them. Nearly half (44%) have taken even stronger action by unsubscribing from a mailing list due to the amount of offers they get sent.
In a strange twist, exactly the same proportion of marketers answering to the survey did not rate their personalisation efforts, while 66% of consumers said that personalised content had an impact on their decision to make a purchase.
See the infographic below to gain more insights from the report.