1. Use the right lead management platform
Some campaigns have very basic fulfilment needs such as batched ftp delivery to contact centre. Whereas others might involve a multi-step lead process to sale (i.e. emails, brochures, calls and home visits). Pick the lead management solution that suits your lead to sale conversion funnel. i.e. you wouldn’t buy a Ferrari to pop down to the shops.
2. Micro-manage publishers
So you may want to break down lead supply from publishers by site but how about also dissecting the traffic to that site? Publishers often work in the dark when it comes to being able to tell which traffic sources are generating the best leads for their advertisers. So help complete the feedback loop by passing traffic sub-ids and then reporting which ones perform best.
3. Test advert copy
Lead generation starts with using smart advertising to get people to opt-in after all. So the optimum use of imagery, text and call to action is super critical to success. It’s just that you won’t know this unless you test different variations of your standard ad copy. As the most basic level, you may want to use a male and female version of your ad/landing page/welcome email to more efficiently onboard your leads.
4. Adjust filters and criteria
This one has a sting in the tail – ask for more details and you risk deterring the consumer. So for example, full postal address is very useful to have on your database, but if you are not going to use it then you are turning off those people who won’t bother completing your form because of this.
5. Validation
There is good validation and bad validation (or should I say over-zealous validation). Bad domain look-ups, ip address checkers, hoax name filters are all great to have, but once you start going too far and querying potential valid email addresses is where you’ve crossed the line. Over-validation could just as easily wreck your CPA as letting through bad leads.
6. Follow-up, follow-up, follow-up
Leads cannot convert without fast follow-up. The value of a lead disintegrates every minute it is left untouched. Opt-in leads should be emailed instantly and receive call-backs within 2 hours.
7. Incentives
Always a touchy subject as to whether you should use any kind of incentivisation for lead generation. But incentives shouldn’t be thought of as a dirty tactic because you need some incentive for people to opt-in in the first place. The main reason someone opts-in will determine how motivated that person is to buy from you. Incentives can be thought of in two ways, direct and indirect. A direct incentive is where you tell the consumer to complete this offer and you will be entered to win a prize.’ An indirect incentive could be ‘choose one from these 10 offers and you will be entered to win a prize.’ Both will motivate and incentivise the consumer in very different ways. But it’s not just prize incentives you should be thinking about, exclusive discounts (voucher codes) and offers can be used to drive the buying motivation of the consumer.
8. Be fair and transparent to consumers
Trying to trick consumers into opting-in using unrealistic promises, whilst in the short run will drive higher clicks and visits, is unlikely in the end to net satisfied customers. Lead generation is an investment that involves moving the customer from awareness, interest through desire into action and any tactics that mislead the consumer are likely to surface very quickly along this path. Best to honestly market your proposition, tell consumers what’s going to happen after opt-in and then deliver on this.
9. Variable lead pricing
All leads are not equal. Initially you will want to use a benchmark rate across the board. But as the campaign progresses it is best to reward those publishers providing the highest quality leads for a better rate in return for increased volumes. This will also help reduce any dependence on lower converting suppliers to make up the volume and give you more flexibility to reduce the rates paid for these.
10. Be the lead
Fill out your own forms, read and click on your own emails. How easy is it to do? Is it a pleasurable experience? I’ve sat in meetings in which clients have tried and failed to sign-up to their own lead generation campaigns.