New research has gone some way to proving that large screens remain the preferred method of viewing video.
An infographic from Tremor Video, a provider of video marketing solutions, shows smartphones and tablets trailing behind desktops and laptops in terms of time spent viewing clips per week.
The image cites findings from Nielsen to highlight that 83 million people in the US currently watch video content through connected devices. However, unlike previous efforts from the market research giant, Tremor delves much deeper into the people behind these figures to give brands an idea of the people they are connecting with.
Larger screens equal longer sessions
According to the infographic, the average American consumer will watch six hours of video on their smartphones every single week. Tablets manage to power even longer sessions, of 7.5 hours per week, although both of these figures pale in significance to the 9.3 hours achieved by laptops and the 11.8 hours on desktops.
The research also shows that 35% of these sessions are conducted in the bedroom, possibly due to consumers having PCs in their own room. Yet, the majority (55%) will view programmes in the family room, with TV powering 32.9 hours worth of viewing on any given week.
Fresh insight
Doron Wesly, head of market strategy at Tremor Video, hopes the research will help advertisers delve deeper into the profiles of their viewers.
“According to Nielsen there are 83 million people watching video on connected devices, yet limited data currently exists on the demographics of this audience,” commented Wesly.
“Our analysis aims to give marketers a better understanding of the connected TV universe from a demographic standpoint and their media consumption habits.”
For a full review of the findings, take a look at the infographic below.