The way that brands communicate with their customers has changed a lot over the past year.

Business models that would have once been perfectly effective became inadequate as nations around the world went into lockdown.

This is why the D2C model is so perfect – it means brands can commit to delivering exactly what their customers desire.

Now is the perfect time to optimise strategy according to the D2C model. It can be harnessed to reach new customers, and to build sustainable relationships with existing ones, by tailoring their buying experience based on their existing consumer habits.

Transforming your business models

In order for organisations to stay relevant and maintain consistency across the increasingly digital and the physical world that we inhabit, brands must adapt their strategies to suit the changing climate.

The world is getting more thirsty for speed – convenience, flexibility and reliability and more desired than ever.

It’s extremely important that businesses have the infrastructure and systems in place to give customers the experiences they expect and demand, at any given time. Otherwise they risk damaging their brand’s reputation and losing out to competition.

The D2C model is transforming many businesses’ approaches, especially in the retail landscape. It means that the relationships between brands, retailers and customers are more fluid. Especially for start-ups, small or medium-sized businesses, a D2C channel can help to establish market demand and drive growth.

It means that it is easier than ever to secure orders with large retail chain distributors. Brands would have previously required proof of a steady stream of demand for their product or service.

Reliable data insights are essential

Effective use of customers’ data is key for ensuring successful business experiences, strategies and technologies.

Consumer trust is hugely important for businesses, as you want your customers to be willing to share their data. Without this, it would be difficult, impossible even, to help drive key decisions. 

This can be done by brands ensuring they provide transparency and prove they take an honest approach, by making the benefits of data being shared clear from the onset. Most people will be happy to share their information if they know what they’re giving and why.

Why is the D2C model so effective?

With customers becoming less and less trusting, it is more essential than ever that D2C brands ensure they target them in the correct, effective way. Paying real attention to what customers are interested in is the way forward, and it is possible to reach the usual customers, but to also scale and attract outside of the walled gardens.

It has also become a lot more attractive to DTC brands to turn to native in order to lower their customer acquisition costs. It provides the ability to target incremental audiences on all the platforms potential customers frequent whilst simultaneously gaining new customers.

It’s also possible for any brand to harness the model. There are a plethora of ways it can increase ROAS and ROI.

If you would like to hear more about D2C brands and how they optimise their campaigns to gain impressive results, we’re hosting a webinar on Wednesday July 21, in which we will be hearing from Elvie, an award-winning femtech brand, and Outbrain, the advertising network with one billion consumers, about their successes and ways they went about implementing certain practises.
There will be a Q&A following the webinar, during which you will be able to ask the panel of experts questions about implementing the practises they have spoken about. Sign up now!