Global affiliate network, Webgains, part of the ad pepper media group, recently released their financial results in April where they achieved 6.1% growth in Q1. According to ad pepper media’s Q2 figures, the company recorded revenue growth of 27.2% to EUR 3,167k during the three months of the second quarter (April-June).
ad pepper media, one of the leading performance marketing providers in Europe, has shared its revenue results for Q2, with the company’s revenue amounted to EUR 6,116k — an increase of 6.5% over the same period last year (EUR 5,743k).
Breaking this down, a number of ad pepper media’s segments also experienced growth during the second quarter of 2020.
The ad agents segment saw double-digit growth of 12.9% to EUR 1,612k in Q2, while the ad pepper media segment remained below the exceptionally high level seen in the previous year (EUR 1,825k in Q2 2019) with revenue growth of EUR 1,337k.
Group EBITDA amounted to EUR 1,684k in the second quarter, up by 90.7% compared to the prior-year period (EUR 883k in Q2 2019).
Breaking this down at segment level, ad pepper media-generated EBITDA of EUR 503k (EUR 859k, Q2 2019) while ad agents generated EUR 191k (EUR 158k, Q2 2019) and Webgains EUR 1,565k (EUR 388k, Q2 2019).
Record EBITDA for 2020?
The last few months has seen a dramatic shift in marketing spend, business strategies and online activity due to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic which has affected the performance marketing industry.
However, the rise of online activity and more budgets contributed to digital marketing has resulted in positive revenue and profitability effects across the ad pepper media group.
Based on these latest figures, the management of ad pepper media International N.V. expects group revenue for the 2020 financial year to amount to approx. EUR 24.0 million, an increase from EUR 21.8 million in 2019 with EBITDA of approximately EUR 4.5 million.