Firstly, we hope you and the team are keeping well and safe at the moment. How has the pandemic affected your affiliate relationships on a day-to-day basis?
Marc Vallverdu: As we are an international company with a number of global projects, we are luckily quite used to working remotely. However, it becomes harder to keep the personal connections and regular communication at the same level when you cannot meet people face-to-face. In addition to that, many brands are struggling in the current situation so that doesn’t help…
Have you seen reduced commissions or paused programs during this period? If so, how have you adapted your budgets and KPIs to the changes?
MV: We have seen lots of different reactions during this period. For the brands that reduced commissions and that have paused programmes due to the economic shift, we are trying to help as much as possible and continue providing them with services to the extent we can. In cases where that hasn’t been possible, we focus on our users and try to provide alternative saving options.
Have you seen a shift in verticals and product categories in the last 30 days (March-April)?
MV: Travel is usually the biggest vertical for us at this time of the year. This has obviously shifted in 2020 and we see verticals like sports, food and tech picking up.
How have you maintained the human element of performance marketing whilst working from home?
MV: We continue to have regular calls with all partners and try to mix in informal catch-ups with work-related calls as much as possible. We as a team also have regular zoom-drinks and try to make sure the team stays connected during these uncertain times.
Lastly, as a company, how are you supporting your team and clients during these unprecedented times?
MV: As a company, we are doing everything we can to accommodate a remote working setup for our employees (flexible working to take care of children/family, additional home equipment, regular updates on government and health information, etc). With regards to our clients, we are closely monitoring the developments and try to work closer with brands that are struggling to help them minimise the disruption or to help them recover after all of this goes back to normal.