Global affiliate network Admitad has launched a support fund program for employees’ family members. The company’s staff, whose parents or spouses were left with no income due to lockdown measures and the COVID-19 pandemic, can apply for the company social fund with compensation of up to $1,000.
The launch of this support fund was the reaction to one of the surveys arranged on a regular basis. The “pulse”- questionnaire regarding emotional comfort during the transition to remote working showed the rise of stress levels during April 2020 (as compared to March 2020).
Soon afterwards, the reasons behind the findings got clear: around 20% of the staff confirmed that their close-ones lost their jobs due to the impact of the global pandemic while dealing with uncertainty and stress over the period.
“During such an uneasy time we decided not only to keep the salary level for all the employees but also to care about their psychological health. It is hardly possible to concentrate on work when your family members are faced with challenges, including the financial ones. That is why we took a very important step further to create this fund. We greatly value the human resources we have and are inclined to think that such a small contribution will help the employees deal with this crisis and overcome that successfully,” – commented Admitad’s CEO and founder Alexander Bachmann.
The support fund program will be applicable for all the Admitad offices around the globe and will stay active for the period from May 1 till August 1 2020.