Following feedback from publishers and taking full advantage of programmatic, Snapchat is bringing premium content to its self-serve ads. The self-serve platform is Snapchat’s version of premium programmatic advertising, also known as a private marketplace (PMP).
As a result, the self-serving platform is supposed to give advertisers greater control over their ad placements while providing automated digital ad buying. For example, advertisers can buy an ad in a show and only target a segment of the show’s audience.
Snapchat’s media section, Discover, allows professional publishers to host daily channels and create shows. The new platform will allow marketers to book advertising space in specific shows and channels on Snapchat’s Discover section, which features content from partners such as the Telegraph, BuzzFeed and Hearst.
Brands could already buy Snapchat inventory through the platform’s ad tech prior to this, but the previous system didn’t let them choose specific publishers, or give publishers control over the likes of pricing.
In addition, Snapchat will offer six-second, unskippable ads through the new private marketplace in an effort to address brand concerns that users of the platform were skipping their content.
Advertisers have been concerned about the sort of content that appears on both YouTube and Facebook, and Snapchat is taking advantage of the industry’s uncertainty by offering a higher level of brand safety and control in comparison.
Snapchat, which has 191 million daily active users, hopes that this move will make the platform more attractive for brands looking to advertise.