Any business owner can tell you that trying to keep on top of everything is challenging. That’s why automating your marketing content is a great way of ensuring your name gets out there, without you having to oversee the whole process. Here are seven ways you can improve your content marketing automation and make things a little easier for yourself.

1. Create forms to gather information

Forms are a great way of bringing in new clients without you having to keep courting them. All you need to do is make the form once, and they’ll provide the information for you. That information can then be filtered to your ‘new subscribers’ file, and they’ll receive the relevant emails to them. There’s lots of help online for making new forms for your website.  Grammarix and AcademAdvisor will help in making the forms simple to use and understand.

2. Create and share useful content

Of course, no one’s going to be reading your content if it isn’t relevant to them. You need to be creating articles, videos and images that show your reader something new and interesting. Take a look at what else your target market is looking at online. The more information you can gather, the better. “You can use it to target your content better and get better results. For example, as a gardening blog, you may find that your readers are looking at clothing for gardening in wet weather. That means you can create content around finding the right shoes or clothes for the garden and keep them coming to you for content” – explains Christopher Owens, a marketing strategist at Uktopwriters and HuffingtonPost contributor.

3. Nurture existing customers

While it’s important to keep bringing in new interest, you’ve got to make sure you’re looking after your existing customers. This can be those who have bought from you before or those who’ve been reading your content for a while. Ensure that you’re giving them just as much value as your new customers. For example, you could send an email to customers who’ve bought with you before with an exclusive money off offer. This shows them you still value them as customers.

4. Personalise your webpage

Now you know what your customers are looking for online, you need to be personalising your webpage to reflect that. It should show the reader what they’ve been looking for online, to keep them on your site. For example, if you run a beauty webpage, your readers may be looking at different kinds of face masks. If you create pages on choosing a face mask for your skin type, then they’re going to stick around. State Of Writing has more information on writing and formatting these pages, while Ukwritings can help create that content.

5. Keep content short and to the point

No matter who you’re writing is for, it’s likely that they won’t have enough time to read long-winded emails and content every time you create them. In fact, it’s more likely to put them off reading your work altogether. Your writing needs to be short and concise. A good way of doing this is to ensure that your main point is in the first sentence. Easy Word Count and Essayroo are good tools you can use to ensure your writing doesn’t go too long.

6. Schedule posts for the right time

If you’re not already scheduling your posts, now is the time to do it. This saves you so much time, as you won’t be trying to keep up with your posting schedule when you have so many other things you need to be doing. There are lots of different posting services that will let you line up your posts, so they’re ready and waiting to go online when you say so. If you do this, you can also ensure your posts go live at a time when your target audience will be online too, giving them an extra boost.

7. Edit your writing

Anything you write to go online needs to be proofread and edited before it goes live. That includes even inconsequential sounding things, like your Facebook posts. Any errant mistakes that slip through can reflect badly on you, and you obviously want to avoid that. Take the time to read over anything you write, and leave some time in between writing and reading so you get some space from it. It’s also a good idea to get help from others if you can. If you need someone to cast their eye over your work, Boomessays is a good service to turn to.

These seven tips will improve your content marketing, making it easier for you to bring those customers in and keep them engaged. It’s all about making the most of the services available to you and keeping those clients wanting more.