Are remarketing budgets growing this year? How can marketers measure the performance of their strategies?

If you’re planning to up your remarketing game in 2017 and need a little guidance on the space - and the best companies for the job – PerformanceIN will soon be releasing a Buyer’s Guide to Remarketing, presenting an overview of the market in its current state and pointing you in the right direction if you’re planning to invest in or improve on your remarketing this year.

With that in mind, we’re digging deep to offer readers original research on the state of the remarketing landscape, the hottest trends and what’s next in the space. If your company has any kind of remarketing focus, we need your expertise on our quick survey, available here, that shouldn’t take more than three minutes to complete.

In addition to that, your company also has the opportunity to showcase their wares by featuring in the Buyer’s Guide to Remarketing, which forms the second in a series of guides aimed at making purchasing decisions a little more informed. To find out more about featuring your company in this widely-promoted guide, just email us at