Feeling overwhelmed by today’s vastly competitive, multi-touch ecosystem? Join an audience with Performance Horizon’s VP of marketing, Erik Mikisch, for a virtual masterclass on how to acquire and keep your customers on April 6.
In a free webinar, entitled How to Connect with Customers in a Multi-Touch World and based on findings from the group’s performance marketing benchmark reports, Mikisch will take a swoop over how retailers are getting to grips with results-driven advertising, with a particular focus on the following three concepts:
- Connecting with customers
- Measuring success
- Preparing for the future
This 30-minute presentation will tap into Performance Horizon’s extensive research with WBR behind the group’s performance marketing travel and retail benchmark reports, which, while gaining a snapshot of the two verticals’ progress with performance, turned out some unexpected results.
“We’ve seen surprising results across travel, financial services and retail for the importance of partner and affiliate marketing during consumer acquisition, and surprisingly, for ongoing consumer retention,” commented Mikisch.
With the aim of providing marketers with a better steer on their budgets, it’s these trends and more that Mikisch will explore in the webinar, with an eye on companies already employing the right techniques across various verticals, and a particular focus on measuring ROI.
“The fundamental principle of performance marketing is that all activities should be tracked, measured, recorded and rewarded based on their performance – such as a click-through or conversion,” said Mikisch.
“Key findings [from the benchmark reports] include an increase in performance-based partner marketing to drive both customer acquisition and retention, a trend towards the application of these methodologies to other increasingly popular channels such as mobile.”
In true conference style, those joining the webinar will be able to pitch their questions to Mikisch and PerformanceIN throughout, with ample time allotted at the end of the presentation for those who prefer to leave their questions last.
The webinar will take place on April 6 at 16:00 BST; spaces are free but limited and are allocated on a first-come-first-serve basis. Click here to register your place, and receive a reminder to join us ahead of the webinar. Those who sign up, but cannot attend the webinar on the day, will receive a recording of the webinar to their inbox.