A new affiliate programme has been launched by Avery WePrint . This service provides professional printing to customise popular Avery products – labels, stickers, business cards, ring binders, CDs and DVDs, as well as skins for laptops, smartphones and tablets.
Name: Avery WePrint Affiliate Programme
More information: weprint.avery.co.uk/affiliates
Tell us a bit about Avery WePrint…
With its reputation for premium quality products, creativity and technical innovation, the Avery WePrint online printing service is trusted by both businesses and individuals to deliver great results. Used by organisations of all sizes, the service specialises in helping smaller companies and individuals to achieve a highly professional finish on branded or personalised items.
The Avery WePrint service is backed by 80 years of Avery labels experience and a commitment to giving customers the freedom to customise a wide range of items using an online design tool and templates, combined with the latest innovations in printing technology and high levels of service.
What will Avery WePrint’s new affiliate programme offer?
The Avery WePrint affiliate programme provides a new opportunity for affiliates to be associated with this high quality and popular service. This programme is also offering a higher than usual commission level of 12% on sales.
Avery WePrint is committed to the new affiliate programme and the marketing team is planning on ensuring that it is a success. An extensive series of promotions on various different products has been planned, and these promotions will be communicated to affiliates through monthly newsletters. Promotions will include voucher codes, plus all the logos and promotional artwork you could need.
What are some of the programme’s key features?
A flat-rate commission of 12% applies to all attributed sales (including VAT), and there is no minimum or maximum order value. The terms of the programme include a standard 30-day attribution window and de-duplication against other paid media.
The average Avery WePrint order value is currently around £40 (excluding VAT), however it is not uncommon for a single order to be several hundred pounds.
How do you ensure the programme’s quality?
At Avery WePrint, the focus is very much on the quality of its products and printing, supported by innovation and customer service. This is borne out by the positive customer feedback shown as overwhelmingly positive Trustpilot reviews on the Avery WePrint website.
For more information about the Avery WePrint Affiliate programme click here.