Affiliate Window is delighted to announce cross-device tracking to the network.
In 2014, a small group of early adopters, including Shop Direct and The Hut Group have paved the way for the development of this technology, and their publishers are already benefiting from cross-device tracking.
In what we believe will be a significant industry innovation, advertisers and publishers across the network now have the ability to track and be rewarded for transactions made on more than one device.
Our cross-device solution combines with our tracking technologies to ensure Affiliate Window remains the benchmark for innovation in the performance industry.
The Importance of Cross-Device Tracking
The network’s traffic reached 50% from mobile devices in December, while according to research from Google 67% of consumers make e-commerce journeys on more than one device. This figure is growing all the time as the trend towards a ‘multi-device’ life continues apace.
The ability to track cross-device will give advertisers true understanding of how the performance channel drives customers, where previously anybody interacting with the channel across more than one device was instantly lost.
This solution now allows Affiliate Window to reward publishers for multi-device purchasing journeys, functionality that has been missing from the industry since users started to consume the internet on multiple devices.
How does it work?
Cross-device tracking works by building profiles, which can be associated to devices. The profile allows us to understand when a user has interacted with an advertiser’s site via one of our links, and then purchased via another device within a pre-determined time window. If a sale has been driven by one of our publishers during the time window, it will be recorded. These sales still require the necessary validation that all current transactions have to ensure they were properly completed.
Ryan Jones, Affiliate Manager at Shop Direct said: “By being able to measure and optimise across device we make the right decisions and we give mobile the investment it deserves. This is particularly important in CPA channels in which if we cannot track cross device influence we cannot reward our publishers for mobile influence, the new product developed by Affiliate Window could be a game changer for the Shop Direct affiliate programme.”
We have already seen up to 9.5% of total sales tracked cross-device for clients that are running the new solution, a figure that only serves to highlight the importance of tracking being enhanced to work in a multi-device environment that is gradually becoming the norm for e-commerce.
To be one of the first advertisers to benefit from this solution and offer it to your publishers, get in touch with your account representative.
For general enquiries on cross device tracking please contact the Product team.