Our ‘Profile: A Day in the Life of’ feature takes a look at some of the global professionals working across performance marketing. It aims to shed light on the varying roles and companies across the flourishing industry. This week we head to Tel Aviv to speak to the chief executive and co-founder of Sensiya.
Noam Fine
Job title and company:
Chief executive, Sensiya.
In one sentence, how would you describe what the company does?
Sensiya is an SDK that examines the contextual awareness and unique individuality of each mobile user so that mobile app developers, looking to brand their apps, can tailor app content for each customers experience in real-time.
What are the company’s unique selling points?
Context is defined as any information characterizing a situation related to the interaction between users, applications and the surrounding environment.
Sensiya is the only technology provider delivering all contextual awareness parameters through one platform, with available information including user demographics, age, and gender alongside real life actions like walking, running and driving. Once information is retrieved, developers can create custom experiences based on context and user behaviors for maximum engagement.
Duration in current role:
Sensiya is the brain child of myself and Sensiya’s CTO Yossi Marouani, the co-founder of Widdit. Although we’ve been developing the company for the past 18 months, we officially launched Sensiya six months ago, and I’ve been the company CEO for the last year.
Where are you based?
Sensiya’s headquarters is based in Tel Aviv, Israel and we plan to open offices in Europe and the US during 2015.
Previous performance marketing-related companies you have worked at:
I was the co-founder and CEO of Widdit since 2007. Widdit is an industry leader in delivering innovative web and mobile monetization solutions for software developers. Over the past 7 years, Widdit has worked with thousands of developers, and its products are being used by over 70 million users worldwide.
What are your main job responsibilities?
My main responsibilities are product development, marketing, developer relations, as well as being responsible for developing and carrying out the vision and strategy. As Sensiya’s CEO, I overlook and manage various teams and provide close direction on the way to fulfill the product potential. I stay in close touch with our partners and am always looking for new potential partners that will benefit from what Sensiya has to offer. I’m also responsible for all the marketing materials and brand development and always seek to convey our messages the best way I can. Every quarter I build a strategy plan, setting goals and targets for the development team, design, product and marketing teams.
Take us through what you get up to on a typical working Monday:
It’s all in the numbers. Checking key KPIs (not only revenue performance, but most and foremost engagement and product performance) and then putting last week’s takes under the performance spotlight and deciding on goals for the coming week. I also build the week’s work plan, divided by teams and responsibilities. Here at Sensiya, we always try to learn and evolve based on our experience, and since our team consist of only the top professionals in their field, we’re all dedicated to perform our best and achieve our goals.
What top three websites can you be found browsing during your lunch hour?
At times like my lunch break, I try to focus on communication either with the team or colleagues, talking about life, work recent innovations and news. I have found that learning what excites people around me is the best insight into what’s trending and where we should focus.
What are your top three tips for someone looking to get their hands on a job like yours?
- Think and conduct like you’re already in the position. Believe in your abilities to get the job done, and think of yourself as your own boss- never expect less than perfect.
- Take responsibility and do more than you’re asked for. Prove to your superiors that you have what it takes to think outside of the box and bring that extra spark of contribution to your company.
- Have a deep understanding of the industry and related markets. Always stay on top of everything going on in your business ecosystem and always, but always- be professional.
Career-wise, where do you see yourself in three years’ time?
Same place doing bigger things. I love what I do, and I wish I will always have the opportunity to keep bringing innovation everywhere I go. I truly believe in Sensiya’s potential to become an integral part of all things personal on mobile, and willing to go that extra mile towards success and business evolution.
Tell us one thing people at work don’t know about you?
I’m a classic cars collector and enthusiast. I own a 66′ Mini Cooper that I work on during the weekends, and I do my best to instill the love of classic cars to my 5 and 3 year old children. I also enjoy surfing, whenever there are great waves at the Tel Aviv shore- I’ll be there.