Desktops no longer offer the most complete browsing experience thanks to innovations in display technology on mobile devices from the likes Apple’s Retina and Samsung’s Super AMOLED.
It has meant that pages on tablets are 11,000 pixels high on average, a dimension that is three times larger than desktop, according to the E-Commerce Content Barometer from conversion rate optimisation startup Content Square.
The pixel density of this new generation of affordable tablet screens has contributed to lengthier load times. Tablets now take an average of 10 seconds to load, which is almost twice as long as desktop’s six seconds.
Tablet fold height
French consumers have been found to digest much more content on website pages when viewing on tablets. On average a website fold height, the area visible on screen, is 775 pixels and the last line seen on a screen is 3357 pixels on average.
On tablets just 35% of tablet users only visit one page, while 50% reach at least one product page and 3.5% of users reach a shopping cart page. Only 1.2% visits convert into purchases, a stat that is 20% less than in-store purchase.
For more insights into the shopping behaviours of tablet users versus desktop, take a look at the infographic below.