Online mitigation services provider Veri-Site has announced the launch of a certification system that could help ad networks and publishers identify websites hosting content without authorisation.
The Texas-based firm views intellectual property theft and piracy as two key threats to the world wide web. It is looking to safeguard the efforts of companies that distribute a high volume of ads and have little time in which to conduct basic checks on the websites they enlist.
In the latest attempt to prevent ad dollars from flowing into rogue domains, the company has lifted the lid on Veri-Site Certification, a programme which verifies trustworthy sites while alerting them to contacts with sketchy backgrounds.
Veri-Site believes such programmes will prove vital to the health of the ad industry as companies invest heavily in programmatic trading, meaning they will have less control over where their ads end up.
Before gaining Veri-Site’s approval, a company must go through a number of checks. Once an advertiser has certification it has the all-clear to commence business with affiliates.
Then, when it comes to looking outwards for opportunities to place ads, Veri-Site offers a full database of known rogue websites to help advertisers determine which may cause them issues later down the line.
Companies can even add troublemakers to their own blacklists and request further information on websites that have not been profiled by Veri-Site.
Ad tech firm Tremor Video has become the first company to gain Veri-Site’s new certification and Katie Seitz Evans, VP of strategy and operations at Tremor, believes this will aid its own protection against rogue websites.
“Being Veri-Site Certified gives us the data to further ensure the high standards of quality, that our company and clients require, are maintained,” she stated.
“We feel this type of certification and access to data will become an industry standard, and we are pleased to be at the forefront of its implementation.”