Online marketer The Search Agency has completed the purchase of MoFuse, a provider of mobile web solutions for small businesses in the US.
With the addition of MoFuse’s mobile web management platform to its search marketing solution, The Search Agency believes it has a more comprehensive digital marketing product to offer clients.
The MoFuse platform will be integrated into The Search Agency’s AdMax Local platform, which allows resellers of paid search to price, build, manage, optimise and report on local search campaigns for multiple businesses.
AdMax Local Resellers will also have access to better call tracking to help understand where digital marketing should be focused. Campaign results will be improved as The Search Agency’s design team build sites based on on pre and post-click experiences.
Site creation and traffic generation
Global managing director of AdMax Local and international agency services at The Search Agency, Ben Gibson, underlined the extra marketing prowess that the acquisition brought.
“With the acquisition of MoFuse, The Search Agency can now manage both the site creation and the generation of traffic to direct to those destinations.
“This comprehensive experience will drive more calls and greater lead volume while inciting more website visits, allowing them to meet their revenue goals quicker.”
MoFuse and its platform is already available for use by The Search Agency and its AdMax Local partners.