The misconception that members of the older generation possess scarce knowledge of the internet and technology has more than run its course.

This is certainly the case in Britain, according to iProspect, which has spoken out to dispel myths regarding silver surfers and their apparent lack of knowledge in all things online.

Poor image

With research and comments to hand, the digital ad agency claims that too many people are falling into the trap of believing Brits over the age of 50 cannot get to grips with modern technology.

In the company’s own view, members of the older generation have just been late bloomers, and are more than confident with conducting basic activities like surfing the web.

“Internet and technology usage among older generations presents the classic characteristics of late adopter behaviour,” says Chris Whitelaw, CEO of iProspect.

“A patronising approach to older generations needs to be put to rest,” he commented, claiming that over-50s are just as confident with accessing the web as those in younger age groups.

New data

The CEO’s claims are backed up by a new study from iProspect, conducted on 1,012 consumers across Britain, which show that 80% of 50-59 year olds do not believe age to be a barrier to using the internet.

Other readings suggest this perception only increases with age, as 88% of 60-69 year olds shun the idea of their birth date influencing how much they know about technology.

By siding with this view, they also speak in opposition to the 70% of 30-49 year olds who consider age to carry a huge influence on technical know-how.


The research also showed that underestimating the older generation should not be in the best interests of e-retailers, with iProspect finding no difference in attitudes towards online shopping in Brits aged 30 to 70.

Older generations are however more likely to be interested in ‘reverse showrooming’, the practice of researching online and buying in-store.