Advertisers are flocking to take advantage of the increasingly higher resolutions being offered by smartphones and Improve Digital hopes to benefit from this trend.
Mobile In-App is the real-time advertising technology company’s latest venture. It lets publishers optimise all of their smartphone and tablet inventory, whether they are using an app or surfing the mobile web.
Disparate ad platforms can cause a headache for marketers, but Improve hopes to solve this by keeping advertising and audience assets as well as programmatic advertising sales and revenue in the one place.
Billion-dollar spend
With billions of ad spend being forecasted for the mobile channel, Improve’s co-founder and CEO, Joelle Frijters, is expecting it be even more vital for brands to focus on the targeting accuracy of their campaigns.
“Mobile is a critical part of the advertising mix. The global smartphone audience is expected to surpass 1.75 billion in 2014, with global mobile ad spend forecast to reach $18.0 billion,” Frijters said.
“It has never been so important to scale your message in the right context, to the right audience, and at the right time. Mobile In-App will allow publishers to create a true multi-screen revenue strategy.”
Real-time bidding support
Integration with Improve’s 360 Platform is on offer to Mobile In-App users, which brings support for direct campaigns, RTB, ad networks, exchanges, agency trading desks and any other third-party media buyers.
Publishers can open their mobile and traditional display inventory up for direct access through a Private Dealing Room feature, meaning pre-defined agencies and advertisers can directly book, change, monitor, and adjust their CPM, CPC, and CPA campaigns.
Improve Digital has more than 100 publishers and media owners in Europe on its books, which help tens of thousands of advertisers reach their target consumer demographic.