New figures released by PerformanceIN show that publishers fully expect commissions to rise year-on-year. The findings form part of new research into performance marketing trends across the Eurozone.
Publishers are predicting commissions will increase by an average of 6% across the rest of 2013 when compared to 2012. The PerformanceIN European Landscape Report 2013 in association with Webgains points to a green period of growth with 71% of respondents positive and very positive about the future of their business.
The report polled hundreds of publishers across Europe and managed to develop a much broader data set than was managed in either of the previous two years under its European Affiliate Landscape Report guise.
Google Fear
Google’s algorithm updates have again struck fear in the performance marketing publishers in most European countries. There has been a tenfold increase, from 3% to 30%, in the number of publishers selecting Google updates and slaps as the biggest threat to 2013 earnings.
The default do not track feature that will soon be integrated into Firefox is causing some grave concern. Of those who completed the survey, 18% revealed that this might hit their 2013 earnings the hardest.
Despite these concerns, publishers are pressing ahead with plans to conquer new territories in and outside of Europe. Almost half (43%) have their sights set on new countries, which is about the same percentage as in 2012.
Spain and Germany (20%) are the top two targets for publishers. The UK (17.2%), US (17.2%) and, surprisingly, Belgium (16.1%) were not too far behind. Markets further afield are also under consideration such as China, India, Thailand, Brazil, Indonesia and even the Canary Islands.
Traversing Country Borders
PerformanceIN Content Director, Chris Johnson, points to a combination of consumer intelligence and the volume of multi-country marketing campaigns doing the rounds as a key driver for this expansion.
“It’s unsurprising for me to see such a mass number of planned international expansions,” said Johnson. “Combine savvier consumers with mainland Europe’s increased cross-border marketing activity and you have a marketplace primed for publisher growth.”
The European Publisher Landscape Report is available to download from the PerformanceIN Resources page now. There are also several other useful performance marketing reports and guides available in the section.