Name: Scottish Friendly

Contact: Charlotte Bennett


Who are Scottish Friendly?

Scottish Friendly are one of the UK’s leading friendly societies who were established in 1862 and have over 150 years’ experience in financial services. With over 390,000 members and over 1 million policy holders, Scottish Friendly look after assets worth more than £900 million (as at 31/12/12). Of course, their history or size is no guide to the future.

There is a range of investment plans available at Scottish Friendly including ISAs, Tax Exempt Savings Plans, Long term Investments and Child Investment products.

Can you tell us more about the Scottish Friendly affiliate programme?

The Scottish Friendly affiliate programme is run on Affiliate Window and offers a fantastic rate of commission: £50 – £95 CPA for every valid policy taken out. There is a dedicated affiliate landing page which has been specifically designed to help improve conversion:

This page lists the full range of products that are available for affiliates to promote.

The different investment plans offered include the new My Select (ISA), the tax-free Scottish Bond and the long-term investment plan, MoneyBuilder. In addition, the Junior ISA helps people build a nest egg for children in their life, whilst the Grandchild Flexible Plan offers a bespoke plan for grandparents who want to give a truly meaningful gift! Tax treatment depends on individual circumstances and tax law may change in future. Stockmarket investments can go down as well as up and the customer could get back less than they have paid in.

The Scottish Friendly affiliate programme is ideal for finance affiliates. In addition, lifestyle affiliates who discuss fashion, news and family life would be a great fit. We also work with cashback sites, voucher code sites and more – get in touch!

What resources are offered to Scottish Friendly affiliates?

There is an extensive range of copy available within Affiliate Window to help affiliates explain all the ins and outs of the Scottish Friendly products to their readers. We offer short copy, long narrative copy for those who want to go into more depth, as well as a strapline for affiliates who have comparison tables. Bespoke copy can be created on request.

In addition to this and to the range of creative available, we also run regular affiliate incentives. For example, when the My Select (ISA) launched earlier this year, we offered affiliates the opportunity to be entered into a draw to win an iPad just by adding the My Select ISA to their sites! This promotion will be running until March 31st – please email us for more details.

Sounds good! What should affiliates do next?

If you’re already a Scottish Friendly affiliate, then get in touch! Drop us a line on and we’ll be happy to chat about any ideas you have or ways in which we can make your lives easier.

If you’d like to join the affiliate programme, then sign up on Affiliate Window today – here’s the link:

We look forward to working with you!

Want to be featured as A4u’s Programme of the Week? Contact Mark Atherton for info.