“We have to look at things from a performance perspective, not just an affiliate one.”

That was according to Nick Cristal, performance business director at Maxus Global, who fronted the case for a further tying of the knot between affiliate marketing and the wider industry of performance-based media in his PMI presentation “Long Live Performance Marketing”.

With his session available to rewatch again now, Cristal suggests that looking at the affiliate channel in a silo with separate budgets, goals and outcomes may not be the wisest move. Drawing parallels with the training regimes of Olympian athletes, he imparts pointers on how performance marketers can capitalise on strong planning, unification and a commitment to seeing campaigns through.

Watch for:

Why you should think beyond ‘just’ affiliate
How to capitalise on a joined-up, multi-channel approach from start to finish
What marketers can learn from Usain Bolt

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