Every 60 seconds, Facebook sees 510 new comments, 293,000 status updates and 136,000 photos uploaded to the platform, all coming from 1.13 billion users who log on every day, reported Zephoria last month.

Tapping into this huge audience has been a key objective for brands in recent years, as Facebook ads grant even greater access to a range of data for targeting customers. 

In his session at BrightonSEO last week, Greg Gifford, director of search and social at DealerOn, explained how to become a “Facebook advert superhero” and market to a local audience through the platform.

“Make sure you use Facebook ads creatively and correctly,” is Greg’s top tip, and with the wealth of demographic targeting possibilities, local awareness ads were touted as the “key to success.”

In the interview below, Greg sheds more light on different types of inventory and how to use them, while revealing what he believes the next big development in SEO is.

Watch other interviews from BrightonSEO here.